Sunday, June 3, 2018

It's "Letter-Writing" Time Again!

WOW!  It doesn't seem real that in 45 days we will once again be on a plane headed to our second home...Mbale, Uganda!!  Mary Faye and I are beyond ready to once again experience the joyous laughter, the hugs, the squeals of the children as they play, and yes, even the dust and the distinguishable smell that is synonymous with being in that slum village!  It is a combination of all of these things that make this place so very special to us and to all who have walked with us among the people there over the past 4 1/2 years!  And here we go again, a group of 19 very special individuals whom God Himself has called together for such a time as this, so your prayers are appreciated as we prepare for Mission Mbale 2018 on July 18-29!!!

For those of you who have followed us over the past several years you know that these trips hold so much anticipation for the children in the village as it means that many of them will once again be receiving letters, pictures, cards, etc from their sponsors back in America.  When we started the Child Sponsorship Program in November 2015 it was our intention to begin to build life-long relationships between the children of the Namatala Slum in Mbale, Uganda and those special people back in America who answered the call to become their "American Family".  One of the fundamental ways in which we have tried to do this is by encouraging the sponsors to write letters to their children prior to each trip, letters that we personally deliver to each child and as is so often the case, hold their child in our laps as they read their letter!  This has become such a special time for each of the team members as we are blessed to see the joy on the children's faces as they read the letter and listen to their excitement in learning about their "new" family.


If you are a current child sponsor and would like to send your child a letter with updated pictures and even a small gift (it MUST all fit inside a 4.5" x 9.5" envelope) then start writing and WE MUST have them in our possession by July 6 as we will finalize packing on July 9th.  Also, if you are not currently a Child Sponsor and would like to have a part in transforming the hopes and futures of one of our children then visit for all the details on how you too can become a sponsor.  There is a Q & A section as well as downloadable forms which should answer most of your questions.  However, if you wish to talk to us you may call us at 770-313-5394 or email us at  If you wish to do this, we will work with you to get your child assigned and you will be able to send a letter introducing yourself to your child and we will take pictures of their excited faces and bring them back to you when we return home!!!

Thank you again for ALL you do and remember, your prayers are the GREATEST blessing you could ever give to us!!!  Enjoy the short video of the kids praising God for the new bus!  As the old hymn says..."Oh what a foretaste of glory divine..." :-)


Warren and Mary Faye

[video width="640" height="352" mp4=""][/video]

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