Friday, July 6, 2018


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It was February 28, 2016 when 20 children from the Namatala Slum in Mbale, Uganda were welcomed into a 40' x 40' canvas tent on the property of Ebenezer Baptist Church after spending most of their lives sleeping on the streets or in make-shift homes.  These children had never had their own bed, most had never had a pillow under their head, and many had never really ever had a place to call "home", even if it was a tent with bunk beds and poor ventilation.

For those of us who had dreamed of this day though ... it was a HUGE victory and we praised God for HIS provisions to be able to provide this new home for at least a few of the precious children of that slum village that we had come to love!  Although we knew that these living arrangements were temporary, we didn't have any way of knowing just how long "temporary" was going to be but we were trusting that God would make a way in HIS perfect timing for a permanent home for these precious children and others who were to over time be added to the "tent" family.

We will have another update in the next few days when we get back into civilization and have better internet service but there was NO WAY that I was going to let this day pass without at least sending out a BIG, BIG PRAISE THE LORD for what has transpired today!!! Today, twenty-nine children, most of whom have spent the last 859 days sleeping in a musty, sometimes hot, sometimes cold tent that has on more than one occasion been partially collapsed by storms while they were inside made the journey of a lifetime!  Today they moved to their new homes at the farmland in Namabasa village, about 15 minutes out of town and as I write they are sleeping in a real house, with real conveniences like running water and lights, and never again have to fear that a storm will once again collapse a tent upon them!!! TO GOD BE ALL THE GLORY!!!

Thanks to each and every one who has prayed, contributed in any way, encouraged us in those times of uncertainty of "What next?"  A new day is about to dawn for these precious children as they awaken knowing that once again their God has supplied their needs and provided a way when their seemed to be now way!!!  We've only just begun but today has been HUGE as God has once again proven that HE IS MORE THAN ENOUGH!!!

I'm going to try to attach a video of the children singing and praising God in their new homes ... there are both boys and girls dorms at the farmland... no longer just a plywood wall separating the two sides of a tent!  If the video doesn't attach I'll post it tomorrow when we arrive back home!!  And to all a good night!!! HALLELUJAH!!!  WHAT A MIGHTY GOD WE SERVE!!!


Warren and Mary Faye


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